Sunday, 31 August 2014

Wow! Two in a row!

Second post in two days! Wooo!
So I'm continuing the saga of sketches of people/characters.
This one, according to my mother, looks slightly more accurate than the last one.
In other news, Doctor Who was amazing last night and I can't wait for next weeks episode. Especially since I saw what character is going to be in it. :D

So without further ado, this is sketch #2.

I give you Sam Winchester, the girlier one of the two.


Saturday, 30 August 2014


So, I've finally decided to pick this up again since it's been waaaaaay too long.
(New computers and many video games will do that to you. So many games, so little time!)
In other news, I've found a new obsession thanks to the joint effort of my mother and tumblr - Supernatural!
So to celebrate and to say 'Hello again, all.' Here's the first sketch of many that I've started doing.
I'll also do commissions of characters/people if anyone wants because this is a lot of fun to do. :)

Dean Winchester everyone.
