Tuesday 2 September 2014

Procrastination! :D

So, I could be sketching the list of about 20 characters I have to draw, I could be making actual cards and I could be updating all my stories I said I'd update a week ago but...
I may have been distracted by song-learning, reading and watching loads of anime.
Oops. :3
But anyway, here's another Supernatural sketch. I have done other sketches but they're not as good.
Also, my friend dropped of my folder with said sketches in so that's one worry down! :)

Annnywwaaayysss... here is another sketch:

I love this picture of Bela. She's not my favourite character. But she is my favourite sketch.
Well, I guess I'll be off and get back to drawing... 
...I hope.


Monday 1 September 2014

And that makes three!

Hello again!
Gonna keep posting these sketches 'till I run out... which may or may not happen. Depends on if my friend delivers my folder back in one piece seeing as I accidentally left it at her house.
Also, I managed to talk to my idol, Sparkles*, on a virtual DJ... thing. I played a song (Save Me by Remy Zero) and he said he liked it.
For those who don't know, Sparkles* (AKA Tom Clarke) is the vocalist/keytar player in the band Area 11. It's a gaijin rock band that writes it's songs about anime.
My favourite has to be either Go!! Fighting Action Power or All the Lights in the Sky.

But anyway, here is today's sketch:

Bobby Singer.
The, hands down, best character in Supernatural.
Followed closely by Gabriel... :3


Sunday 31 August 2014

Wow! Two in a row!

Second post in two days! Wooo!
So I'm continuing the saga of sketches of people/characters.
This one, according to my mother, looks slightly more accurate than the last one.
In other news, Doctor Who was amazing last night and I can't wait for next weeks episode. Especially since I saw what character is going to be in it. :D

So without further ado, this is sketch #2.

I give you Sam Winchester, the girlier one of the two.


Saturday 30 August 2014


So, I've finally decided to pick this up again since it's been waaaaaay too long.
(New computers and many video games will do that to you. So many games, so little time!)
In other news, I've found a new obsession thanks to the joint effort of my mother and tumblr - Supernatural!
So to celebrate and to say 'Hello again, all.' Here's the first sketch of many that I've started doing.
I'll also do commissions of characters/people if anyone wants because this is a lot of fun to do. :)

Dean Winchester everyone.


Thursday 3 July 2014


I got a new computer a while back and completely forgot about updating. >:O
But, I am alive and with a new obsession with Supernatural, better art and a YouTube channel!
The channel link is this smiley face: :) and it's a new gaming channel I've been very excited about starting.
If you don't feel like watching my videos, it would mean a lot if you could share it. *hinthint* :3

Here's a random drawing to say hello again and how are you all doing after all this time.

Clementine from Season 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Should have posted this a while ago...

Hello again, all.
So this week has been a much better week for me. Along with the fact that only hours ago my mum bought Thor: The Dark World on DVD. Which means lots of Loki/Tom Hiddleston fangirling for later on.

This is a picture that I hadn't realised I hadn't posted it yet. I drew it when I was ill about a year or so ago and it's one of my best drawings yet (in my opinion). I had a human anatomy book nearby so I just drew a few sketches out of that and ended up with this.

I also have my MMR injection tomorrow. So I'll have plenty of time to worry over how much I'm going to freak out and how much it's going to hurt.

But all that aside, hope you have a lovely...er... evening. :3


Friday 14 February 2014

Stress, stress and - what's this? - STRESS

So, as you can see from the name is that today has been very stressful.
First off, my crush managed to find out that I had a crush on him. Which turned out to be extremely awkward seeing as I have two classes where I sit next to him.
Secondly, my gig was cancelled.
And last of all: I had an argument with my best friend.
But, no matter. I've always had bad days on Valentines Day.

I'm posting a sketch I did during my English class when we basically had a free period. I had finished my assessment so my teacher gave me some paper and practically said, 'Do whatever you like'. So, of course, I sketched.
His name is Carth Onasi from the game KotOR (which, after 35 hours, I have finally completed).

Hope your day is going better than mine.
